Donald Trump Costumes for different occasions
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Donald Trump Costumes: Party Like a Billionaire President!

Donald Trump digital sketch

Show your support, express your frustration or simply have a good time! After all, imitation is the greatest form of flattery… or mockery? Your call!

Become an American president for a day in one of our Donald Trump costumes.

Whether it is for a Halloween party or any other occasion, whether you are a fan of Donald Trump or not, we offer these easy-to-wear costumes that will get you a lot of giggles and attention!

Donald Trump Costumes

Donald Trump Mask

Donald Trump Wig

About Donald Trump

Billionaire, real-estate mogul, and former reality television star, Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States of America. He took office on January 20, 2017, after winning the US presidential elections with his campaign slogan “Make America Great Again”.

He became famous in the TV show “The Apprentice” with his resounding phrase “You’re fired!”.

Now, he is not only the president of the United States but his image is also one of the most popular Halloween costumes.

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